The perfect hunting ground for finishing touches and unusual gifts at Caravan in Hackney

Caravan and I go way back (to the days when a fledgling interiors boutique could set up shop in a vast space in Spitalfields Market) but the most recent incarnation of stylist and author Emily Chalmers’ treasure trove is my favourite yet.
A while back, faced with the age-old work/childcare conundrum, Chalmers took herself off the grid and into this fabulously unlikely spot in a Hackney housing estate, where she now opens by appointment only.
Behind billowy handmade silk-scarf drapes, you’ll find the same mix of old, new and beautifully offbeat decorative accessories that have made her an interiors’ mag staple, but with one-on-one styling advice thrown in for good measure thanks to the appointment system.
Caravan has always been a dangerously perfect hunting ground (wanting one of everything is standard) for interior finishing touches at any time of year but it comes into its own at Christmas thanks to Chalmers’ eye for unusual gifts and cut-above wrapping service.
Prepare to tick that seasonal shopping list into oblivion courtesy of metallic clogs, quirky jewels, glitter snow globes and tiny knitted dogs, while you mentally pen your own wish list. Top of mine: the Lee Broom crystal bulbs, pineapple wall sconce, re-issued Stoke-on-Trent ceramic swans and a light-up white rabbit. And believe me when I say I could go on.
Images by Debi Treloar